Policies and Code of Conduct

Mission Statement of the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA

The mission of the YMCA is to build a healthy spirit, mind and body in children and adults through programs that foster caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Facility Policies

  • Tobacco & Drug Use – The Y facilities and grounds are a tobacco and drug-free zone. There is absolutely no smoking or vaping on the Y grounds.
  • Child Supervision – Parents are required to escort their children 12 years and under to and from all programs/classes. No Exceptions.
  • Youth Facility Membership – Provides children, age’s birth to 12 years of age, participation in programs at a reduced rate. Youth Members may not utilize the fitness center or circulate the Y without adult supervision. This membership is required at the beginning of the season for swim team members planning on participating in any Y sanctioned meet. Youth must be accompanied by an adult 18+ to enter the facility.
  • Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult unless enrolled in a supervised Y program.
  •  Fire Alarms – All members must evacuate the Y immediately in the event the fire alarm sounds. Swimmers are asked to grab their towels and head to the nearest exit and wait with the lifeguard if there is inclement weather (winter).
  • Membership cards must be presented at Member Services in order to enter the facility.
  • Smoking, use of non-prescription drugs, alcoholic beverages, firearms or fireworks, carrying or concealing a weapon or any object that may be used as a weapon, harassment or intimidation by words, gestures or body language, bullying or threatening another person verbally or physically is prohibited on YMCA property, in YMCA Vehicles or at YMCA sponsored events.
  • The YMCA does not assume responsibility for personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged.
  • All attire, including swimming attire, must be appropriate to a family environment.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times, unless specific direction is required by a program.
  • A Y staff person must be informed of all incidents. The staff member will complete an incident report..
  • Members should notify the YMCA of any medical problems by completion of a waiver.
  • Bikes, skateboards, and heelies are not permitted in the Y building unless in use for a specific program under the direction of Y staff.
  • No animals are permitted on Y property. An exception will be granted for service animals.
  • Loitering/solicitation within or on the grounds of the Y is prohibited.
  • Members must abide by the Y’s Electronics Usage Guidelines.

Electronics Usage Guidelines

Due to the advances in cellular and video technology, and for the privacy and protection of all of our members, the NWCT YMCA  asks that members and participants adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Use of electronic devices is NOT permitted, at any time, in Y locker rooms and youth program areas.
  • As a courtesy to other members, set phones to silent while working out or use headphones.
  • Limit phone conversations to the lobby or non-workout areas and hallways.
  • Taking photos or video without permission is not permitted, at any time, on Y premises.


The YMCA is founded upon and committed to diversity and inclusion. The Northwestern Connecticut YMCA values diversity and is committed to maintaining an inclusive environment of respect and trust. The Northwestern Connecticut YMCA is committed to maintaining an environment free from any form of discrimination or harassment. 

For this reason, the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity or expression, including the use of bathrooms and locker rooms. YMCA patrons and employees shall have access to the bathroom and locker room corresponding to their gender identity or expression, as per state law.  Any employee or patron who has a need or desire for increased privacy, will be provided access to a single stall bathroom, when available.

The YMCA is committed to adapting its policies as it continues to provide welcoming environments for its employees and all patrons.

If you have any questions regarding adopting this policy in Northwestern Connecticut YMCA, please contact Brian Ohler, CEO at 860-489-3133 Ext. 116 or [email protected].

Membership and Account Information

Current membership fees are outlined on our website at nwctY.org. The Y accepts credit card, check or cash for membership fees.

Membership Cards/ Check-in

  1. All current members must have a Y membership card or official ID to enter.
  2. All members must check-in & scan their membership card at Membership Services upon entry to the facility.

Nationwide YMCA Membership

Nationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating Y in the United States through your active membership at the Northwest CT YMCA.

  • Valid for active, full facility YMCA members.
  • Nationwide member visitors must use their home Y at least 50% of the time.
  • Program-only participants and special memberships (including Silver Sneakers) are not eligible for Nationwide Membership.

Lost & Found

The Y assumes no responsibility under any circumstances for lost, left behind or stolen items. This includes items brought to Membership Services. Contact member services to locate Lost and Found.

Locks and Lockers

Day Use Lockers– all persons using locker rooms must provide their own locks. Locks must be removed after each use. Locks will be cut off it left on lockers overnight. The Y is not responsible for lost, left behind or stolen items.

Annual Locker rentals– may be available, please see Member Services for details.

Guest Use Policy

The Y is a membership organization. Therefore, the General Public are allowed a maximum purchase of 6 day passes per year. Passes purchased within 30 days of joining may be applied to the joining fee of a new membership. Children under 13 years old must be accompanied by a person 18 or over.

Joiner’s Fee

Joiners Fee of $60/$35 is required for all facility-use memberships of less than one-year in length. This can be waived for paid-in-full or monthly draft with 1-year commitment.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance for Membership and Programs is available to qualifying individuals and families. You may apply online or at the Membership Service Desk of each branch. 

Program Registration

  1. An active Membership (Facility-use or Program Membership) is required for participation in most Y programs.
  2. You may register for open programs at any time. Programs will be drafted on the 1st of the month and are not prorated for those who register in subsequent week that month.
  3. Register in-person or online at www.nwctY.org

Class Make-up Policy

We are unable to provide make-up classes for days in which participants are unable to attend.

Medical Membership Hold

The Y will place your membership on hold if you are unable to participate due to a medical issue with receipt of documentation from a physician from the time of request forward for one month or more. Contact the Membership Services Supervisor. No memberships will be extended for issues that happened prior to request.

Canceling/Changing Personal Training Appointments/Private Swim Lessons

Due to time restraints and scheduling, 24-hours’ notice must be given to Personal Trainers/Instructors of change/cancellation of appoints. Less than 24-hour’s notice will result in loss of appointment and no refund.

Returned Checks/Drafts

All Checks and Credit/Debit Card Drafts returned will be subject to $25 service fee.

Credit and Refund Policy

  1. Membership fees may be refunded if you move from the Y’s service area or due to medical reasons. Refunds are from the date of notification forward, not retroactive.
  2. Program fees will be refunded in the event the Y cancels a class due to insufficient enrollment or facility conflict and will be processed by the appropriate program director.

Schedulable Program Credits 

Program credits for personal training, private ninja lessons, private swim lessons and other schedulable programs must be redeemed within 1 year of purchase. If credits are not redeemed they will be removed from your account. No refunds will be given.

Program Withdrawal

Monthly Drafted Programs are drafted until you cancel. To cancel, please submit a completed Program Cancelation Form at least 7 days prior to the 1st of the month. If you do not follow this procedure, the Y will not be held responsible for money drafted- no refunds will be given.

Camps are pre-paid by the session. If registration is cancelled before the session, you will receive a 75% refund minus a $10 processing fee. If cancelled after one day of participation, you will receive a 50% refund minus a $10 processing fee. If cancelled after two days, you will receive a 25% refund minus a $10 processing fee. After 3 days of participation, no refund will be granted.

Life Guarding classes are 2 days in duration. If you cancel prior to the start of the class, you will receive a refund minus a $50 fee. Once the class has begun, no refunds will be given.

Membership Cancellation

To terminate your Y membership, you must give 30-days written notice, or complete the Online Membership Cancellation form below, as stated in your membership draft agreement. In most instances, there will be one more membership draft prior to cancelation going into effect.

Membership Suspension Policy:

A membership may be suspended at any time for failure to comply with the Y Code of Conduct, specifically:

  1. Entering and/or allowing someone through any door other than the main entrance will result in a 90 day suspension.
  2. Failure to comply with staff directions, disrespectful behavior, including use of profanity directed at staff and/or other members will result in:
    1. 30 day suspension for 1st offense
    2. 60 day suspension for 2nd offense
    3. Facility ban for 3rd offense
  3. Incidents involving more serious cases of threatening, harassment, vandalization or violence will be assessed on an individual basis and may result in a permanent ban from the facility.

Any member under the age of 18 who has their membership suspended will be referred to the Torrington Youth Services Bureau for an in-person meeting. Attendance of this meeting will be required for a reactivation of memberhsip.

Membership fees will continue being withdrawn throughout the suspension period

Codes of Conduct

Member Code of Conduct

The Y is a membership organization, which values personal responsibility, honesty, mutual respect and non-violence. In joining, members, non-members and guests agree to subscribe to Y policies and are expected to abide by its rules.

Membership may be revoked or suspended for the following reasons:

  1. If a member engages in vandalism, theft, or unnecessary physical roughness in sports and activities while at the Y.
  2. Entry into or use of unauthorized/ unprotected areas of the Y property or facility may result in the loss of membership privilege.
  3. If a member uses obscene, threatening, or offensive language while at the Y, or act in an abusive or intimidating manner towards another member or staff person.
  4. If a member is using illegal substances, smoking, vaping, Juuling or drinking alcoholic beverages in any area of the facility or on Y property without written permission from the CEO.
  5. Members sharing their membership card will be suspended, anyone caught using another individual’s membership card will banned from the YMCA.

Anyone entering and/or allowing someone through any door other than the main entrance will result in a 90 day suspension.

  1. Failure to comply with staff directions, disrespectful behavior, including use of profanity directed at staff and/or other members will result in:
    • 30-day suspension for 1st offense
    • 60-day suspension for 2nd offense
    • Facility ban for 3rd offense
  1. Being found alone with children they meet at the Y, displaying grooming behaviors with youth, adults being found in youth locker room with non-family member youth.
  1. The Y conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation and remove visitation access.
  2. Parking in an unauthorized area.
  3. Youth Suspensions— Any member under the age of 18 who has their membership suspended will be referred to the Torrington Youth Services Bureau for an in-person meeting. Attendance of this meeting will be required for a reactivation of membership.
  4. Membership fees will continue being withdrawn throughout any suspension period.

Fitness Center Codes of Conduct

  1. Children under the age of 13 years old are not permitted in the fitness center. Children under the age of 16 are only permitted during teen fitness center hours.
  2. No cell phone conversations in the Fitness Center. Please go out into the hall or lobby.
  3. Please do not sit on fitness stations and read/ text or play games on cell phone.
  4. Members using the free weight equipment must return weights after use to proper racks.
  5. Members must wipe down stations when finished.
  6. Only personal listening devices with headphones are allowed to be worn.
  7. Shoes or sneakers must be worn at all times.
  8. Athletic attire must be worn. No jeans or pants with belts in the fitness center.
  9. Food and drink other than water are prohibited in the fitness center.
  10. Use of profanity is prohibited while using the fitness center.

All members and spectators are expected to uphold the YMCA mission and treat themselves, other members and staff with caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.


Spectator Codes of Conduct

All spectators for swim-meets, classes, etc. must stay in assigned areas. Children are not to be left unattended to roam the building. Please refrain from bringing food, gum, beverages (except water), or any glass container into the pool area, gymnasium and fitness center.

Swimming Pool Codes of Conduct

  1. While at the Y, please demonstrate the following Y values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.
  2. All swimmers must take a soap & water shower before entering the pool. (CT State Law).
  3. Any persons known or suspected of having a communicable disease are prohibited from using the pool. (CT State Law).
  4. Spitting, blowing the nose and urinating in the pool are prohibited. (CT State Law).
  5. Please refrain from bringing food, gum, beverage (except water), or any glass container into the pool area.
  6. Hanging from the lane dividers or ropes is prohibited.
  7. Noodles & US Coast Guard approved life jackets can be used during family open swim. Kickboards, bubbles, barbells and all other pool equipment are to be used for instructional classes only.
  8. Inflatable flotation devices are not permitted.
  9. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult while using the pool facilities, outside of supervised Y programs.
  10. Proper swim attire is required in the water. Children who are not toilet trained must wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants over a clean diaper. Traditional disposable diapers are prohibited, however disposable swim diapers are allowed.
  11. A qualified lifeguard must be on the pool deck before anyone may enter the pool area. No one, including lifeguards, is to ever swim alone.
  12. The dive blocks are to be only used for competition or for swimming lessons. They are not for use by members during open or fitness swim. Diving may only be done in 9 feet of water. Jumping may be done only in the designated coned area of the pool.
  13. All injuries occurring on the premises must be reported immediately to the lifeguard or other staff member on duty.

Inclement Weather Update

All branches of the NWCTY will be closed

Sunday, February 16

Stay safe and warm!